Top 10k strings from Lerm Bytes Mover (1985)(Lerm Software)[a].z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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3 ;"Press any key to continue": 2 "Number of 1st address 2 "'"where bytes are to be moved"'; 1 to continue": 1 rtop>65535 1 rtop<23813 1 q$="y")+(10 1 m$="y")+("unchanged" 1 l$="y")+(" after bytes moved") 1 i$(i)>"9") 1 h8888xDD@8 1 f(rtop),115 1 f(lin),115 1 d$="y")+("no" 1 c$="n")-(56 1 Please wait a while. 1 Please wait a few moments 1 PROBABLY NO CHANGE 1 Nu of bytes 1 Not possible. Press any key 1 M/Code bytes mover 1 LERM software 1984 1 Don't take our softwarePlease pay for our labour 1 =microdrive 1 =("0x)=("0" 1 ;rt-by;" bytes long" 1 ;"Where should I save the code ?"' 1 ;"Verifying"; 1 ;"Verified o.k" 1 ;"Verifed o.k": 1 ;"This program will generate somemachine code that will moveBYTES round the computer'smemory. It can be placed almostanywhere in the 48k the Spectrumhas for its users."; 1 ;"Should I try to produce the codeAUTOMATICALLY ? y/n"; 1 ;"SAVING"; 1 ;"REWIND tape and VERIFY "' 1 ;"MACHINE CODE"; 1 ;"Is all this o.k. Y/N?": 1 ;"I can't find a stack pointer": 1 ;"ENTER BREAK to return back here": 1 ;"Block nu "; 1 ;"Are you sure 1 ;"Any more blocks 1 ;" BYTES mover"; 1 . Then you can let me producethe code automatically or youcan keep control." 1 . After moving your code I canrun from an address or goto agiven line number." 1 );("65480 to 65535" 1 );", hoping that theyare left completely alone."'"If this is not so then press 1 (t+n<vt2)) 1 (stp<16434 1 (probably enter 0) 1 (l$="n"))+("moved" 1 (i$ (i)<"0" 1 (VERY PROBABLY) 1 ("Stack pointer ")+("left" 1 '("23659 =")+("2" 1 ''"You might need a new RAMTOP!"' 1 ''"I am using address from approx";("23490 to 23540" 1 ''"After moving your code you mustJUMP to a particular address inthe memory" 1 '"No change in STACK POINTER": 1 '"No change in RAMTOP" 1 '"New STACK POINTER= ";stp 1 '"New RAMTOP= ";rtop 1 "You will have a some of choices.": 1 "Which address? ";add: 1 "Should the stack pointer be put"'"just below ramtop after moving"'"your code 1 "Number of bytes to be moved"'; 1 "Line not specified": 1 "It is POSSIBLE that 23659 might"'"not hold 2. Should I ensure thatit does? 1 "Give the new RAMTOP number 1 "Enter the 1st address of a blockof approx 50 UNAFFECTED bytes"';stp: 1 "Enter program name "; 1 "Enter line number. 1 "Auto line number= ";lin: 1 "After moving your code"''"Do you want the program to runfrom a LINE number ? "; 1 ENTER 0 for no change "'(" 1 (0 if youdon't want to give the number) "'(" 1 otherwise press any key":